The Future of Food
The Future of Food is a documentary movie about how our food and agriculture has been changed over time. After WWI, nitrogen based bomb lead to development of nitrogen based chemical fertilizers and DDT to kill the insect. Green revolution was at mid twenty century as the technology improved, the production increased and the monoculture begin. As the farm begin to use chemical fertilize, they have to use more. In 1990, Monsanto Roundup was produced and Green Revolution changed to Gene Revolution which means Monsanto changed the gene of the plant and the seeds. They also begin to gain the power to control their own genetic species by gaining their seed patent. Seed patent law was not voted by congress or by people. Monsanto grow very fast by buying plant company and suit other farms if they have the genetic modify plant at their farm, but the seed can be spread by the wind or animals and insect; many farmer get suit from Monsanto. Monsanto has send nine thousand letters to farmers for same reason. Genetic modify food is harmful but whether the food is GM, the food is not label.
I was surprised about all the information I saw in the movie. There are so many things I didn’t know before such as there are patent for the seed. When I saw the phrase in the movie states “whoever control the seed, control the food” gave me chill. I see how the industry gains power by controlling our stomach. People’s choice will be limited by the regulation of GM food and they do not even notice it is GM food because there is no label. The movie warned us there are few companies that are controlling huge part of the agriculture and we will have no choice but to buy whatever industry make.
I was disappointed about the government letting the industry to sell GM food. The movie quote from Monsanto Inhouse Newsletter states, “Agricultural biotechnology will find a supporter occupying the White House next year, Regardless of which candidate wins the election in November”. I was shocked by how people work for government also work for Monsanto. For example: a supreme court justice also work as a Monsanto’s lawyer for regulatory affairs, a Environmental Protection Agency work also as biotech researcher of Monsanto, a acting commissioner of FDAS also work as senior VP, GD Searle, a division of Monsanto.
There are so many problems that surprised me after watching this movie. I am amazed by those who are fighting for the food and also who try to spread the news to us. I also felt the importance of education. People need to know what is going on in our world.
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