Sunday, May 30, 2010

Extra Credit #2

The Cove

The Cove is a documentary movie about the captivity, slaughter and industry of dolphins. Ric O’Barry was a guy who helped to take a movie of dolphin call Flipper but latter he realized the problems of dolphin being captive after his loved dolphin Cathy suicide. He spent ten years building dolphin industry up but now he spent last thirty five years to try to tear it down. O’Barry found out that there are dolphin slaughters going on in Japan, Taiji and he begins to gather people to reveal the secret. Taiji is the largest supplier of dolphins to marine parks and swim with dolphin programs around the world. Dolphins not being selected are being slaughtered and sold for their meat and an estimated 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan each year.

I was surprised about this truth of dolphin meat and slaughter happening in Japan. I never know this news before and I didn’t know that dolphin meats are sold as whale meats without labeling it. I felt rage in government and the media who are trying to cover the news. Tiji also give away free dolphin meats to school lunch which is ridiculously dangerous because dolphin meats contaminated with high levels of mercury. Mercury is toxic and cause Minamata disease in 1985. The children were starting to be born deformed, loss of memory, hearing, and eyesight; they die slow. The government knew this and they still allow Taiji to sell dolphin meat and keep the secret. Most of Japanese didn’t even know this. I was shocked.

There is organization that protects all cetaceans in the wild call IWC (International Whaling Commission) but small cetaceans, dolphins and porpoises aren’t protected because it is benefit for people who are slaughtering and eating the dolphins. In the movie, Japanese member of the organization claims that they are doing “pest control” because whales and dolphins are eating too much of fishes but human is the culprit for the problem of fisheries decline in the world. I was impressed about all the reasons those people can make up in order to kill dolphins. It was sad to watch this ugly truth in my country. Also it was tearful especially when I watched the scene when the fishermen are stubbing the dolphins and the water goes bloody red. The sound of dolphins cry could not get out of my ears.

There are so many problems in our world, in the air, on the land, and under the water. I felt the importance of media, we need to know what is going on and be active of these problems. We should stop those ironies.

Extra Credit #1

The Future of Food

The Future of Food is a documentary movie about how our food and agriculture has been changed over time. After WWI, nitrogen based bomb lead to development of nitrogen based chemical fertilizers and DDT to kill the insect. Green revolution was at mid twenty century as the technology improved, the production increased and the monoculture begin. As the farm begin to use chemical fertilize, they have to use more. In 1990, Monsanto Roundup was produced and Green Revolution changed to Gene Revolution which means Monsanto changed the gene of the plant and the seeds. They also begin to gain the power to control their own genetic species by gaining their seed patent. Seed patent law was not voted by congress or by people. Monsanto grow very fast by buying plant company and suit other farms if they have the genetic modify plant at their farm, but the seed can be spread by the wind or animals and insect; many farmer get suit from Monsanto. Monsanto has send nine thousand letters to farmers for same reason. Genetic modify food is harmful but whether the food is GM, the food is not label.

I was surprised about all the information I saw in the movie. There are so many things I didn’t know before such as there are patent for the seed. When I saw the phrase in the movie states “whoever control the seed, control the food” gave me chill. I see how the industry gains power by controlling our stomach. People’s choice will be limited by the regulation of GM food and they do not even notice it is GM food because there is no label. The movie warned us there are few companies that are controlling huge part of the agriculture and we will have no choice but to buy whatever industry make.

I was disappointed about the government letting the industry to sell GM food. The movie quote from Monsanto Inhouse Newsletter states, “Agricultural biotechnology will find a supporter occupying the White House next year, Regardless of which candidate wins the election in November”. I was shocked by how people work for government also work for Monsanto. For example: a supreme court justice also work as a Monsanto’s lawyer for regulatory affairs, a Environmental Protection Agency work also as biotech researcher of Monsanto, a acting commissioner of FDAS also work as senior VP, GD Searle, a division of Monsanto.

There are so many problems that surprised me after watching this movie. I am amazed by those who are fighting for the food and also who try to spread the news to us. I also felt the importance of education. People need to know what is going on in our world.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

what I learned this semester about research paper

I didn't know I could learn about food in English class. By doing research paper, I have learned deeper details about food and politics. Everything was interesting and eye opening. I was surprised there are many problems behind the food and I am glade I did research about it. Research paper helped me to gain more knowledge and draw my curiosity. I also learned how to find resources from school website, which was very helpful and convenient. Finding books on google website was something I didn’t know before and it was useful. Also I learned how to write bibliography for the first time. The enjoyable part was that when I am doing research, I could find a lot of information I never knew before. Research paper helped me to learn a lot about my topic.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Super Size Me

After watching Super Size Me, I was impressed by Morgan Spurlock. I am surprised he would use himself as an experiment to eat McDonald thirty days and put his health in danger. He made this movie 6 years ago; I wonder anything barely changed today. Obesity is still the problem. I did not know 43 percent of fast food restaurant in America is McDonald. Indeed McDonald is everywhere and what a mock to have McDonald in the hospital. Also I felt disappointed about the law; it is not protecting its citizens but the profit. I worry about our food system and people’s eating habit after watching this movie.

I see the failure of education when I saw the school was serving the fast food, and they claimed that they are educating students to make good choice. I guess the school itself need to be educated first. The school themselves should make a wise decision too. The problems became more serious when the obesity started in young population. Their future may be full of pain because of their health problem leading by obesity; America may suffer the consequences. This movie shows us what we need to change in society to protect children.

Advertisement has so much power to effect people’s life. Not only in the TV but there are many different ways to commercial products such as poster in the train or bus. People who do not have TV at home can even see the advertisement of fast food everywhere. I do not remember if I have seen any advertisement for vegetable. The companies tend to use sport player or children to show that eating fast food is not unhealthy. We all should be careful not to be brain wash by those commercial.

More people need to know the problems of eating unhealthy food. Knowledge is not enough. We need to act- eat healthy. This movie has showed me the problems of obesity and the danger in our food culture. People need to change their eating habit and exercise more.